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Introducing DJ-ContentFilters ver. 1.5 Stable: Explore Exciting New Features!


DJ-ContentFilters - version 1.5 stable is now available! We've introduced several exciting features and addressed some pesky bugs to enhance your Joomla content filtering experience.

What's New in Version 1.5:

  • Default Value: Set default values for smoother filtering experiences.
  • "Submit on Start" Option: Optimize usability with the ability to submit filters upon initiation.
  • Checkbox Element's 'Filter Logic': Enhanced control over filtering logic for checkbox elements.

DJ-ContentFilters Joomla content plugin remains your go-to Joomla tool, seamlessly integrating with YOOtheme PRO, empowering you to effortlessly create professional-grade search filters.  Choose your desired fields, customize their order, and elevate your website with visually stunning styles.