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DJ-Accessibility with the possibility to use local or web fonts

DJ-Accessibility plugin allows the use of local or web fonts (Google Fonts).

We've added the "Load Webfont" button in the plugin settings.

Users can decide if they want to use the default Google Webfont, change it for another Webfont, disable this option, and load fonts locally.

The ability to disable load web font and use local fonts is essential for many users as there are GDPR requirements associated with using Google Webfonts. The plugin adapts to the latest regulations and ensures GDPR compliance when it comes to the use of fonts.

DJ-Accessibility is a set of tools to help people with disabilities navigate the site. Use its' options to improve the accessibility of your website! You can display accessibility options in a pop-up or a toolbar on your page.

DJ-Accessibility works with Joomla and WordPress! It's also integrated with the YOOTheme Pro Builder.

Get DJ-Accessibility.